Sep 30, 2010

UFO French town deserted for 34 years completion of the airport to report local analog UFO

According to Australian news network reported that a small town near Bordeaux, France, Aris to build a UFO alien visitors to meet the airport, the airport has recently welcomed
the first planes carrying "the alien" UFO.
In 1976, local lawmakers voted in laughter the resolution establishing the UFO airport, in order to show that the position of interstellar diplomacy and friendly, the Parliament
also adopted a series of legal protection for the rights of aliens bill, for example, removed from their taxes and to invite them participate in local competitions organized by
the ball and sliding mud Championship. Mayor Beike Deng said that the exclusive use of any mysterious flying visit to the airport, open day and night, the first arrival, set up
special awards, and free landing fees.
Triangular UFO Airport, located in a waterfront open space, suitable for any shape of aircraft landing, the airport set up with an inscribed with "welcome all visitors from
outer space," the marble slabs. However it is disappointing that the airport has not been built over the years come flying saucer.
In order to "shy" of the alien to demonstrate, local people held a mock "Third Kind" ceremony: one by a local artist design and manufacture of "flying saucer" UFO landing in the
airport, when the door opened, make-up into a foreign Star performers of little green men walked down the ramp, set foot on the Earth's land, becoming the first 34 years here,
"alien visitors."
According to reports, the ceremony, the town spent 1,000 euros (about 8700 yuan), but local people are very recognized this investment. They hope that this aircraft "UFO" to
attract the real aliens. They also estimated that each year attracts about 2 million tourists visited here. It is reported that the airport is the UFO has attracted numerous
science fiction fans, the local tourism sector hopes that the aliens are here to feel at home.
"We hope the airport will allow visitors from outer space do not feel alone." The head of the local tourism bureau Christian Islamic Piran say. The village is Jiengaiyi Pierre
added: "strange unknown world in the universe, and many unpredictable things just because our understanding of capacity is very limited."

Sep 29, 2010

Pirates of Malaysia will not take money Jingxian strange old clock specialized looting

Global Network reporter Wang Xin reports, Malaysia in recent days there have been several strange theft, formed by two Indian youths of theft crime gang in a series of houses
can blame the Pirates of the two cash and property Haobulicai house, each household only hanging on the wall of the old clock in the bag will be left.

According to Malaysia, "Sin Chew Daily" Sept. 29 news, so far, police have received several reported, all of the preliminary determination for the same gangs. In one case, the
victim also did not go home, the two broke into the strange theft in broad daylight, the owner of the house and took away the wall of the old clock. In another case, the
victim's home stolen, the prominently placed in the cash and watches, and other property has not been taken away, see something of Pirates of the money was not interested.

Reported that witnesses said the two were Indian youth crime, they succeeded after a motorcycle escape. Malaysian police have stolen these two strange old clock to initiate an
investigation, they are temporarily unable to explain the bizarre behavior of two minutes to steal what motive.

Russia stressed that the Iranian nuclear issue must be resolved through diplomatic means

    UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 29 (Xinhua Wang Xiangjiang Gu Zhenqiu) Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin, Russia, 29 in the General Assembly general debate, stressed
that the Iranian nuclear issue through political and diplomatic means.
Churkin said that an effective solution to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue must be based on "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty" and the international law basis. Iran must be in
accordance with the requirements of greater transparency, cooperation with the IAEA.
Churkin said Iran's nuclear program to clarify the outstanding issues will not only strengthen the international non-proliferation regime, but also in Iran's interests. Russia
believes that, in addition to between Iran and the six countries through constructive dialogue, through political and diplomatic means to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue,
there is no other reasonable way. Russia hopes that Iran will soon resume dialogue with the six countries.
Churkin said the Security Council sanctions against Iran is not a goal, but to remind Iran the importance of full cooperation with the IAEA, and to promote the negotiation
process. He also said the United States and other Western countries, there is no Security Council authorization in the case of unilateral sanctions on Iran, not only contrary to
international law and will result in negative political consequences, must be stopped.
Speaking of the Security Council reform, Vitaly Churkin said that the current UN General Assembly to expand the Security Council will continue to discuss the issue. Security
Council reform is a top priority of United Nations reform agenda, relations between the interests of the vast majority of Member States, so the final program of reform should be
based on compromise and the United Nations Member States to support as much as possible on the basis of Member States.

Eastern Papua province in Indonesia 7.4 earthquake

Xinhua Jakarta, Sept. 30 (Xinhua Zhao Jinchuan) Indonesian Meteorology and Geophysics agency said 30 of Indonesia's easternmost Papua province early morning the day of strong
magnitude 7.4 earthquake, are yet to report on the casualties and property losses.
Oak d'Ivoire, the agency officials said the quake took place in Jakarta on time at 0:10 on the 30th (Beijing time at 1:10 on the 30th), with the epicenter located in West Papua
province, southeast of Irian region 141 Kai Mana km focal depth of 25 km. After the earthquake, authorities immediately issued a tsunami warning, but a half hour later lifted
the warning.
After the earthquake, have occurred in these areas and the Richter magnitude 5.2 and 5.3 aftershocks.
Indonesia is located in the Pacific seismic belt, the size of the earthquake that took place thousands of times. Aceh region of Indonesia in late 2004 magnitude 7.9 earthquake
that triggered the Indian Ocean tsunami, strong, resulting in more than 20 million deaths, more than 50 million people homeless.

President of the International Railway Union called for an increase in the Olympic triathlon about individual

International Triathlon Federation of talk more September 12, said the popularity of the project, the 2016 Olympic Games should increase the number of individual triathlon.
International Railway Union is currently seeking to establish medley relay at the Olympics project. Casado was in Hungary in the World Championship Series held during the final
interview, said that more iron is now three players the opportunity to participate in the Olympics a good time.
Spanish Casado, said in an interview with Reuters, iron three-item "for each match day of the race just two hours, another day to participate in future battles also just two
hours of competition. Our players should be more the opportunity to become Olympic athletes. I know that the organizing committee for the construction site put a lot of money,
do not fully utilize these sites is a shame. "
Include swimming, cycling and running the triathlon is the first time the Olympic Games in 2000 Project. Since then, the project was rapidly expanded. International Railway
Union starting from 2009, host the World Championship series, which is the highest level of triathlon series of events were held in eight countries, including eight races.
Casado, said: "More from the Olympic venues to use is very important. As a personal project, I think the team spirit of cooperation projects should also be an important part of
Held in Singapore last month, the first Youth Olympic Games, triathlon was held in a mixed relay race, won, including IOC President Jacques Rogge, including the positive
To be approved by the International Olympic Committee
Casa, who is also member of the International Olympic Committee, said more international efforts to iron Alliance is actively Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, the establishment
of iron three relay events.
At each Olympic Games, International Olympic Committee about two years before deciding whether to have major events in the Olympic Games set a new single.
Casa introduce more relay said: "The athletes loved this item. Shorten the distance race, the athletes seemed physically more adequate and more suitable for television."
However, the three relay events into the Olympic Games of iron is also facing some difficulties. Increasing number of international iron three events, but time consuming game,
and in the water, land and broadcast on the two sites, so television ratings did not achieve the same rapid growth.
In this regard, casado admitted: "It is a fact. As the number of cameras required more expensive to broadcast and technical complexity. But we now have to address these issues
has made great progress, this time in Budapest Finals (Sunday) in the world was broadcast live in 13 countries. "
TV reports
Iron III project faces another important issue is that players in Asia and Africa on the strength of the project is not very strong. The world's top 100 players, in addition to
a small number of players from Japan and South Africa, mostly in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand players.
Casado said: "This is the actual situation. We are these backward areas to invest more money for training. We promote a lot of energy into this project. In the Budapest
(International Railway Union) General Assembly, we accepted Morocco, a new member associations. We hope to continue to accept new members. "
The new International Rail Union also joined the United States Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, Cambodia, Iraq, Oman and Iceland.
Casado said, the International Union is still committed to eliminate iron and "World Triathlon group" differences. The group is organizing the event there is a very popular,
that the longer distance triathlon. International Railway Union has yet to recognize the events of the project.
Casado said: "The world is not a single Group Triathlon Federation, but a company. We are negotiating with them, I look forward that we can together. We, after all, the same
Finally, she said: "I believe that in the near future we will have reached a basic agreement that they acknowledge the status of our federations, and we recognize that they are
a good tournament organizer."

Sep 26, 2010

Iraq to receive the first US-made patrol boats

As the increase in naval strength, and protect important part of efforts to oil facilities in Iraq from 26 to receive the first US-made patrol boats.
    The same day, Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul - Kadir Obey Di and is responsible for training Iraqi security forces, U.S. military commander Michael Luo participated in Barbados from the capital about 500 kilometers south of Baghdad, Umm Qasr Naval base at the opening ceremony.
    AFP reporter Miao Shu, military band live. Shows the ship sailors called "PB 301" patrol boats chasing ability.
    U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command, Kevin McCoy said: "I'm proud for the first time to witness this historic event, the first patrol boats entered service in Iraq."
    Saying by Agence France-Presse, the Iraqi patrol boat fleet a total of 15 that the other three will be delivered to Iraq in December of this year, and the remaining 11 is expected to be delivered next year. Formation of the crew right now is the United States for training.
    Iraq original Gulf War the Navy in 1991 and 2003 destroyed the Iraq war. U.S. military spokeswoman said that in 2005, the Navy reconstruction of Iraq, now has 47 ships.
    Barbero told AFP that he believed U.S. troops in Iraq after the withdrawal of the navy should be able to take up the mission, "the Navy will be fully able to defend Iraq's oil facilities, territorial waters and ports."

Aid ship bound for multi-national Jewish Gaza

Equipped with a multi-country assistance to the Jews 26 ship port of Famagusta in northern Cyprus from the anchor, bound for the Gaza Strip.
    The Associated Press reported that the ship named "Goddess of Peace", a total of 9 crew members and passengers, plans to send the Gaza Strip, children's toys, medical equipment and other aid. Participants include representatives from Israel, Germany, the United States and British Jews.
    2007 Israel blockade on Gaza. Approximately 1.5 million permanent residents of Gaza, 70% live below the poverty line. Most residents support themselves by the United Nations relief supplies.
    Organizers, the United Kingdom "the Jews for justice for the Palestinian people," members said Richard Cooper, one of the aims of this activity is to tell the world that not all Jews support Israel's policies against the Palestinians.
    82-year-old Jewish Ruben Molash Kewei Ci escape the Nazis in World War II Holocaust against the Jews, too. She received on board AFP reporters Cai Fang and Shi Yue, she felt obliged to participate in this activity.
    "(Israel) persecution, blockade of the Gaza Strip so many people, including 80 million children," Molash Kewei Ci said, "For people like me (Holocaust) survivors, against such behavior is a sacred duty."
    Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak earlier warned that any vessels near the Gaza Strip, the Israeli side will be blocked. To May 31 this year, the Navy to intercept a fleet of humanitarian assistance to Gaza. Israeli soldiers volunteer board and conflict with the ship, killed nine Turks.
    Cooper said that if the "goddess of peace" was intercepted by the Israeli authorities, they will not conflict with the disappearance of.

Identification of the proposed development of nuclear technology in Japan

At 25, government officials said the 2011 fiscal year Japan intends to develop nuclear identification technology.

Japan's Kyodo News quoted unnamed government officials as saying the Japanese Agency will develop a technology to identify the origin of nuclear materials and production time.

One of the steps as the development, Japan will analyze the domestic uranium fuel and plutonium by reprocessing components. The results will be compiled into a database.

The official said the Japanese government intends to prevent nuclear proliferation and the United States and the IAEA to enhance cooperation with the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency to share the database.

Expectations of the Japanese Ministry of Education began in April 2011 fiscal year by 200 million yen (about 2.38 million U.S. dollars) budget for the implementation of the plan.

Kyodo News that the technology helps improve the security of nuclear materials management, as well as Japan as one of the major international nuclear testing center foundation.

Colombia's most beautiful women prison inmates guerrillas election

BEIJING, September 26 According to Taiwan "in the Canton News" reported that a 21-year-old guerrilla Layton on the 25th beat the competition with her drug dealers, murderers and other opponents, won the crown the most beautiful women prisoners .

Bogota, Colombia, guerrilla girls did not shut the prison, murderers and other serious criminals. Prisons Division in order to allow prisoners the opportunity to show the feminine beauty, this beauty contest was held. Prison beauty pageant contest cf general, including walking the runway and the quiz and so on. However, they can choose only one garment, which is the prison uniform.

Won the championship, Mrs. Layton said, can dress up in prison, to show his women's side, gave him the feeling of rebirth. Prison Director said that, although they committed a crime, but also as a person can not be deprived of their rights or a woman.

Kim Jong Il North Korean version of the guidance "Butterfly Lovers" spoke highly of China-DPRK relations

Song Wei Steel Global Network reporter reporting North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in North Korea "national treasures", "Chanticleer," Sea of Blood Opera arts groups to perform work of art - the Korean musical "Dream of Red Mansions," the creative process repeatedly went to the site direct guidance, with pure artistic appeal and on the "Dream of Red Mansions," the respect, the Korean version of the opera "Dream of Red Mansions" in China on tour with great success. Kim Jong-il and went to the site recently under the guidance of the traditional Korean folk opera story of "Butterfly Lovers" creative.

25 reported, according to KCNA, Kim Jong Il in the understanding of the creative process in opera, the watch is creating the opera "The Butterfly Lovers", after Kim Jong Il watched opera performances of the wisdom and passion for creative people gave a high evaluation.

Kim Jong Il said, exposed the contradictions in class society the Chinese classical work, "Butterfly Lovers" is still in today's educational, creative direction he must take the "highest level" to complete the opera production.

Kim also pointed out that the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the older generation of Chinese revolutionaries personally created the DPRK-China traditional friendship is too precious to continue to push forward the traditional friendship between DPRK and the DPRK party and people development firm will. Cultural exchanges between the two peoples in the play a very important role.

Jang, vice chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission, secretary of the WPK Central Committee Cuitai Fu, male, accompanied by Kim Ki Kim participated in the study guide.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the General Assembly again into the often

According to the "Yomiuri Shimbun" reported that the afternoon of March 24 U.S. time, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan of the United Nations General Assembly general debate session of speech, once again that Japan hopes to become a permanent member of UN Security Council.

In addition, Kan for the abduction issue that Japan will comply with the Pyongyang Declaration (signed in 2002) actively seek normalization of relations, but must first resolve the abduction issue. He also stressed that resolving the abduction issue, North Korea to abandon nuclear weapons and ballistic missile development between Japan and North Korea is to establish the premise of normal international relations.

Sep 24, 2010

Bold people speed to swim with sharks Kaikoura

And the sharks were swimming with the idea and wanted only the crazy New Zealand talent absurd, however, off the coast of Kaikoura in the South Island Dongbei Yu, but the sharks are ruthless people want to say hello. Here, without any license or proof of snorkeling, everyone can put themselves in a cage with the sharks face to face, if the license with a diving or snorkeling, you can save snorkeling demonstration teaching.

Most common sharks in the summer season is warm and the sea, the probability of seeing a shark about 85 ~ 90%, if we really do not see the shark, then back into the cost of 4 or free for the next trip.

Passengers put on diving suits from the South Bay, South Bay on board, to the fixed cage shark in the sea, under the guidance of the coach, a 3 into the cage, the cage tied to the body of the ship is floating in the water, the deepest below sea level about 2.5 m, where the journey began thrilling shark.

Were swimming with sharks Shark Dive Kaikoura

Address: 25 Beach Road, Kaikoura

Tel :0800 -225-297 ,03 -319-6888

Fax :03 -319-5713


Hours: 1 to 3 months three times a day 08:30 am, 11:30 am, 02:30 pm

Price: 12 years of age, 130 yuan per person NZ

Time: 4 hours

Mexico militants and the military in fighting the US-Mexico border killed 8

Xinhua BEIJING, Sept. 16, according to foreign reports, 16 suspects militants in Mexico and the United States border with Mexico the military conflict, and ultimately at least eight suspected militants dead.

According to reports, the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon state Attorney General's Office an official said, Mexican soldiers and suspected militants in remote areas in the local exchange of fire, leading to eight suspected militants were killed. Authorities did not disclose more details of this incident.

Mexico September 15 to 16 continuous celebration of the 200th anniversary of the country's independence, however, officials pointed out that in some areas due to violent attacks seriously, the celebrations were canceled.

Reported that in 2006 the Mexican government began military strikes against organized crime since the start, there are 2.8 million people died of suspected drug-related violence.

Russia will sell Syria protest the American Israel supersonic anti-ship missile

According to the British BBC News website September 17, 2010 reported that according to Russian media, Russia has sold anti-ship cruise missiles to Syria identified.
Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov (Anatoly Serdyukov) that Russia would fulfill and Syria signed in 2007, the sale of P-800 "gem" (Yakhont) missile contract. United States and Israel have said that Russia should not sell the missiles to Syria. Serdyukov has said that these missiles do not like the United States and Israel feared falling into the hands of terrorists. But Israel has said it will be stationed in the Mediterranean Israeli naval threat. According to reports, Israeli Prime Minister told the Russian Prime Minister, these are missiles will fall into the hands of Hezbollah.
Serdyukov said in a conversation with U.S. Secretary of Defense, has repeatedly talked about the missile sale matters. However, Syria will provide Russia a clear "jewel" missiles, to fulfill previous contracts. United States and Israel demanded that Russia not to Syria, "gem" missiles, but Russia does not believe that these missiles will fall into the hands of terrorists.
P-800 "gem" supersonic cruise missile range of 300 kilometers, carrying a weight 200 kg warhead, but the flying height of only 5-15 meters, so difficult to detect and intercept enemy.

Switzerland, the number of female members of the cabinet for the first time more than men

Swiss Federal Assembly Federation Council approved 22 candidates for the cabinet reshuffle. 4 to 3, the number of female members of the cabinet for the first time exceeded that of men.
Swiss Federal Council elections on 22 female members of the Socialist Party Lujia the Federal Committee, replacing outgoing traffic, communication and energy minister Enbei Nightingale.
The Swiss Federal Council is the highest executive body, has 7 members, sub-head of the Department of any seven, from seven different political parties to serve as a term of 4 years.
Cabinet has three women cabinet members, namely, the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs Bernhard Chairman, Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy - Rey, Minister of Justice and Police Mo - Shilunpufu.
Count incoming traffic, communication and energy minister Sommaruga, the number of women cabinet to 4 people, for the first time more than males.
According to Agence France-Presse said, Switzerland is one of Europe's most conservative countries, women receive part of the local administrative region in 1959, voting rights, access to national elections in 1971 for the first time the right to vote, in 1984 produced the first female minister. So far, only six women have served as members of the Federation Council positions.

Recovered 21 years after the abducted man was separated from parents

"Counting down, a number that is 21 years. Mom Li Sumei (sound), Dad Hongyin Shi (sound), these two names while I will not write, but never forget that in 21 years ... ..." 7 years old, Yang Guohao from Hebei, Yunnan, a remote rural trafficked. After 21 years, with the vague memory of his help in Yunnan media, trying to find long-lost parents. Baby home network volunteers through the investigation, is not surprised to discover that Yang Guohao Yunnan, but the Sichuan parents working in Yunnan, 21 years, his brother Michael is also looking for him ... ...Mid-Autumn Festival, home of 21 years of Yang Guohao, Yibin has finally returned home, and eat with their parents separated many years a long absence, family reunion dinner.Help to find relatives media guyYang Guohao, 28 years old this year.May the day, Yang Guohao walked into a newspaper in Yunnan, hoping to find him through the newspaper relatives in Yunnan.21 years ago, he trafficked in Cangzhou, Hebei Enzan a small mountain village. With a vague memory, he remembered my mother told Li Sumei (sound), my father called Hong Yinshi (sound), his little called "rain", "birth parents name I can not write, but his father named 'Hong' I remember It is clear that absolutely can not go wrong. "Yang Guohao to find parents for the simple reason: "Even a cup of hot water is delivered to them, but also a filial of my tricks."Adoptive parents who will not leave a good guyThe case when abducted, Yang Guohao remember very clearly. At that time, he was on the 2nd grade, "one day I came home from school, no food at home, I went to the neighbor to take. On the road, met a seventeen-year-old boy, asked me Do you know of a neighboring village who I say I know, so he was the man lured a neighboring village. "The boy handed him over to a 40-year-old middle-aged man. Yang Guohao the middle-aged man said: "Your father was hurt, your mother ran away with people, and I'll take you to your mother." "I went to Hebei, the day happens to be the lunar calendar October 15, many people are running the village of view. "Yang Guohao said," parents home in the local operators 'rich', lived in a tile-roofed house. "Although parents have three daughters at home, but he is loved in every possible way. Yang Guohao said, a child, he came home a few times, but have been looking for adoptive parents to go back, but later there is no thought of escape. "I am 9 years old started kindergarten, to complete primary school, the parents will not let me continue to study, they are worried about my breath, it will leave them to find birth parents."Yang Guohao said, find the birth parents just to round the hearts of a dream, he will not leave the house north will be a lifetime honor adoptive parents.Small group of media to help find the elder brotherSee Yunnan media reports about Yang Guohao the tracing after the May, Baby volunteers to help him return home sites were tracing the registration on the site.Yang Guohao around the fuzzy memory segment, the volunteers from his memory of the river, Buddhism, National started inquiries, but did not find valuable clues.June, volunteers found a post on the Internet, a man named Michael who issued a "yellow fish looking for his brother," the message.Michael said: "Little brother called yellow fish, born in 1982, human trafficking in 1988. Brother trafficked areas in Yunnan, but we are all from Sichuan, when the parents work with us over there. After the incident, police caught the traffickers quickly and Cengmou Yang, said the two children were sold to the town of Cangzhou, Hebei Province Yanshan County Land village looking tree of the family surnamed Sun, but then his brother has been no news. "

So many similarities together, volunteers concluded: Yang Guohao yellow fish is Michael's younger brother.
DNA identification of guy to eat family dinnerAfter the volunteers have made Michael's photos, and Yang Guohao comparative analysis, we all felt they were like ... ...Michael said: "Yang Guohao remember the birth age, parents name, abducted the time, abducted, and passed through, and the place was sold, all the same, and my brother!"Early August, Yibin Yang Guohao back home, and Michael mother, father and other family members to meet, and DNA testing carried out with the family. September 2, good news, DNA testing proved that Yang Guohao Sichuan is the young man abducted 21-year yellow fish.

Belarus fighter MiG -29 2 pilots killed in crash caused by

Belarusian Defense Ministry spokesman said 23 Belarus military aircraft MiG -29 day of training in the country crashed two pilots were killed.
Myanmar Cheek spokesman Vyacheslav column said that the MiG -29 Air Force training aircraft belonging Belarus, Brest region in the afternoon training mission crashed.
Column Myanmar Cheek said the crash, the pilot was flying at low altitude to perform complex stunts. Column Myanmar Cheek said: "To prevent the aircraft crashed into residential areas, the pilot in time to change the direction of flight. Plane eventually crashed in a wooded swamp."
White Russian military has set up a committee to investigate the cause of the crash fighters.

Sep 19, 2010

Philippine military killed an ABU sayyaf leader

According to American media, Philippine military on September 19th, the government said at a seaside village in the south with ABU sayyaf between the armed forces killed a leader.
The commander of the army's more benfica in los Dolorfino early (government) that the police force and BaXiLan island located in under the common man with the implementation of this act and killed ABU sayyaf leader BuDu o HaJiM Sally. The village is a stronghold of the armed forces, ABU sayyaf and ABU sayyaf armed and al-qaida linked.
After intense fighting militants have fled, and leave the body part, Sally, ammunition and communication tools.
Sally was $7,700 down for the Philippine government. He was accused of in May 2001 in BaLaWang kidnapped three provinces to assist the American tourists and visitors to the Philippines 17 Chinese.
Established in the early 1990s of ABU sayyaf armed groups in the southern Philippines long-term active participation in manufacturing series, kidnapping and terrorist attacks. In the army, the group by an existing member has greatly weakened, no more than 400 people.

Berlin 100,000 people government to extend a protest march nuclear power

Beijing on September 19, according to reports NHK, local time, 18, about 10 million German people took to the streets to protest against a government capital, Berlin, extend the operation of power.
Reports, ms merkel regime of gerhard schroder has removed when the decision about nuclear power plant, the existing amendment to the operation of the extended for 12 years. This sparked opposition German citizen protests on a large scale.

Demonstrators are written with "stop nuclear power" banners and placards's federal parliament and around the parade. Attend the marchers said: "the government power industry was surrounded, incredible," someone said: "if the use of renewable resources, can ensure sufficient energy is."
The Soviet union, 1986 chernobyl nuclear explosion accidents, Germany against nuclear power's voice on increasing. The legal changes will split the social public opinion, in between the mass produced debate.

Whoever is in fujian zhang level 14 appear again land wind

This article 11 typhoon "than" all in July 20, when in fujian ZhangPuXian take gu lei town land again. By this, the coastal areas of fujian appear storm. The typhoon will further enhance precipitation after landing.
According to the weather monitoring, "whoever in fujian province;" landing center air, nearly nine hundred largest wind 12 (center of 35 m/s), 7 FengJuan 180 km radius, 10 class FengJuan radius 80 kilometers, the storm in the future will be about 20 kilometers per hour speed w-wnw track afterwards.

"Whoever than" influence, fujian coastal has appeared 9-10, 11-14 northeast wind blowing, in quanzhou Enoch after 45.1 m/s (14) is the largest. Coastal areas appear to heavy rain, rain locally.

According to the monitoring, "that" after landing precipitation will strengthen, zhangzhou, xiamen, quanzhou, longyan city rainfall process of four 100-200 millimeter, more than 250 mm. Meteorological department warned, "who is this year than in China since the strongest typhoon intensity of influence will be affected seriously, fujian, relevant units shall strengthen the wind, rain against adverse effects.
At the time, fujian prevention and disaster danger to have not receive the report.

Sep 18, 2010

Taliban attack in Afghanistan killed five polling stations caused 7 injuries

According to British media reports, the Taliban militants in the local time on September 18 in northern Baghlan province in Afghanistan to attack a polling station, killing one soldier and six militiamen were killed.

Police chief of Baghlan province, said: "a state security force soldiers and six militiamen were killed and another five were injured."