Sep 24, 2010

Recovered 21 years after the abducted man was separated from parents

"Counting down, a number that is 21 years. Mom Li Sumei (sound), Dad Hongyin Shi (sound), these two names while I will not write, but never forget that in 21 years ... ..." 7 years old, Yang Guohao from Hebei, Yunnan, a remote rural trafficked. After 21 years, with the vague memory of his help in Yunnan media, trying to find long-lost parents. Baby home network volunteers through the investigation, is not surprised to discover that Yang Guohao Yunnan, but the Sichuan parents working in Yunnan, 21 years, his brother Michael is also looking for him ... ...Mid-Autumn Festival, home of 21 years of Yang Guohao, Yibin has finally returned home, and eat with their parents separated many years a long absence, family reunion dinner.Help to find relatives media guyYang Guohao, 28 years old this year.May the day, Yang Guohao walked into a newspaper in Yunnan, hoping to find him through the newspaper relatives in Yunnan.21 years ago, he trafficked in Cangzhou, Hebei Enzan a small mountain village. With a vague memory, he remembered my mother told Li Sumei (sound), my father called Hong Yinshi (sound), his little called "rain", "birth parents name I can not write, but his father named 'Hong' I remember It is clear that absolutely can not go wrong. "Yang Guohao to find parents for the simple reason: "Even a cup of hot water is delivered to them, but also a filial of my tricks."Adoptive parents who will not leave a good guyThe case when abducted, Yang Guohao remember very clearly. At that time, he was on the 2nd grade, "one day I came home from school, no food at home, I went to the neighbor to take. On the road, met a seventeen-year-old boy, asked me Do you know of a neighboring village who I say I know, so he was the man lured a neighboring village. "The boy handed him over to a 40-year-old middle-aged man. Yang Guohao the middle-aged man said: "Your father was hurt, your mother ran away with people, and I'll take you to your mother." "I went to Hebei, the day happens to be the lunar calendar October 15, many people are running the village of view. "Yang Guohao said," parents home in the local operators 'rich', lived in a tile-roofed house. "Although parents have three daughters at home, but he is loved in every possible way. Yang Guohao said, a child, he came home a few times, but have been looking for adoptive parents to go back, but later there is no thought of escape. "I am 9 years old started kindergarten, to complete primary school, the parents will not let me continue to study, they are worried about my breath, it will leave them to find birth parents."Yang Guohao said, find the birth parents just to round the hearts of a dream, he will not leave the house north will be a lifetime honor adoptive parents.Small group of media to help find the elder brotherSee Yunnan media reports about Yang Guohao the tracing after the May, Baby volunteers to help him return home sites were tracing the registration on the site.Yang Guohao around the fuzzy memory segment, the volunteers from his memory of the river, Buddhism, National started inquiries, but did not find valuable clues.June, volunteers found a post on the Internet, a man named Michael who issued a "yellow fish looking for his brother," the message.Michael said: "Little brother called yellow fish, born in 1982, human trafficking in 1988. Brother trafficked areas in Yunnan, but we are all from Sichuan, when the parents work with us over there. After the incident, police caught the traffickers quickly and Cengmou Yang, said the two children were sold to the town of Cangzhou, Hebei Province Yanshan County Land village looking tree of the family surnamed Sun, but then his brother has been no news. "

So many similarities together, volunteers concluded: Yang Guohao yellow fish is Michael's younger brother.
DNA identification of guy to eat family dinnerAfter the volunteers have made Michael's photos, and Yang Guohao comparative analysis, we all felt they were like ... ...Michael said: "Yang Guohao remember the birth age, parents name, abducted the time, abducted, and passed through, and the place was sold, all the same, and my brother!"Early August, Yibin Yang Guohao back home, and Michael mother, father and other family members to meet, and DNA testing carried out with the family. September 2, good news, DNA testing proved that Yang Guohao Sichuan is the young man abducted 21-year yellow fish.