Sep 30, 2010

UFO French town deserted for 34 years completion of the airport to report local analog UFO

According to Australian news network reported that a small town near Bordeaux, France, Aris to build a UFO alien visitors to meet the airport, the airport has recently welcomed
the first planes carrying "the alien" UFO.
In 1976, local lawmakers voted in laughter the resolution establishing the UFO airport, in order to show that the position of interstellar diplomacy and friendly, the Parliament
also adopted a series of legal protection for the rights of aliens bill, for example, removed from their taxes and to invite them participate in local competitions organized by
the ball and sliding mud Championship. Mayor Beike Deng said that the exclusive use of any mysterious flying visit to the airport, open day and night, the first arrival, set up
special awards, and free landing fees.
Triangular UFO Airport, located in a waterfront open space, suitable for any shape of aircraft landing, the airport set up with an inscribed with "welcome all visitors from
outer space," the marble slabs. However it is disappointing that the airport has not been built over the years come flying saucer.
In order to "shy" of the alien to demonstrate, local people held a mock "Third Kind" ceremony: one by a local artist design and manufacture of "flying saucer" UFO landing in the
airport, when the door opened, make-up into a foreign Star performers of little green men walked down the ramp, set foot on the Earth's land, becoming the first 34 years here,
"alien visitors."
According to reports, the ceremony, the town spent 1,000 euros (about 8700 yuan), but local people are very recognized this investment. They hope that this aircraft "UFO" to
attract the real aliens. They also estimated that each year attracts about 2 million tourists visited here. It is reported that the airport is the UFO has attracted numerous
science fiction fans, the local tourism sector hopes that the aliens are here to feel at home.
"We hope the airport will allow visitors from outer space do not feel alone." The head of the local tourism bureau Christian Islamic Piran say. The village is Jiengaiyi Pierre
added: "strange unknown world in the universe, and many unpredictable things just because our understanding of capacity is very limited."